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Sculpture Assignments

Week 1: Get sketchbook, bring in recycled junk

Due:  July 17


Buy a sketchbook or create your own with copy paper and a folder.  Bring in recycled junk for our first project.

Week 2: Design a sculpture made out of stones

Due:  July 24


Make a sketch of a sculpture you would like to create out of stones.  Consider factors like scale, weight, and gravity when developing your design.  Look at sculptor Chris Booth.

Week 3: Design an Egyptian Death Mask

Due:  August 31


Create a drawing of a death mask similar to that of King Tutankhamun 

Week 4: Draw a mechanical object

Due:  August 7


Parts of cars, bicycles, tools, musical instruments, etc. Their edges will be hard, surfaces often reflective.  Find the inner workings of a part to make it interesting.  Crop if you like.

Week 5: Study and draw a piece of furniture

Due:  August 14


Study a piece of furniture.  Base your drawing off the primary form, then work in texture and detail.  Is the form cone, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, cube?  Begin with pencil then add in colored pencil, ink wash, markers, or felt tip pen.


Week 6: Debate Christo project makes waves

Due:  August 21


Read page 12 in Scholastic Art "Christo Project Makes Waves" and write a paragraph on which side of the argument you agree with.  The student password is royalknights1  

Copy and paste link in your browser

Week 7: Draw your favorite fruit/vegetable 

Due:  August 28


Draw two different views of your favorite fruit or vegetable and add value.

Week 8: Free drawing of sculpture idea

Due:  September 3


Draw for atleast 45 minutes of an idea that you have for a sculpture.  Show multiple sides, angles, closeups, etc...


September 8-12



Week 10: High Contrast Photo

September 25



Draw a photo of a person in high contrast.  Color in positive or negative space with a solid color.


Week 11:  Continuous Line Shoe/Animal

October 16



Draw a continuous contour line drawing of a shoe or animal.


Week 12:  Me, Myself, and I

October 23



Draw a sculpture that represents you and your personality.


Week 13: Future Transportation

October 30



Draw a form of transportation that could be seen in the future


Week 14: Geometric Knight Selfie

November 6


Draw a knight taking a selfie in an abstract cubist way similar to the art of Liam Brazer

Week 15: Critical Analysis

November 13


Find a sculpture online, print out the picture, fill out the worksheet giving detailed responses to the four sections: Description, Analysis, Judgement, and Interpretation  

Week 16: Facade of a Building

November 20


Draw the facade of a building or a close up detail.  Fill the page and add value.

Week 17: Free Drawing

December 4


Draw for atleast 45 minutes of an idea that you have for a sculpture.  Show multiple sides, angles, closeups, etc...

Week 18: No Homework

December 4


Draw for atleast 45 minutes of an idea that you have for a sculpture.  Show multiple sides, angles, closeups, etc...

Semester 2
Week 1:  Henry Moore Figure Drawing

January 11


Draw a figure(s) in the style of Henry Moore, abstract and curvy

Week 2:  Scissor Metamorphosis

January 18


Draw a pair of scissors morphing into something like an animal or object.  There should be three pictures with value added.

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